Penggunaan smoke detector addressable sebagai alat pendeteksi kebakaran sangat membantu untuk pelacakan secara cepat titik munculnya api yang menyebabkan kebakaran, karena Addressable Smoke Detector memilki alamat / ID yang unik untuk dapat mengirimkan sinyal kepada panel kontrol fire alarm (MCFA) sehingga mampu memberikan informasi yang spesifik dan jelas lokasi titik detektor yang mendeteksi adanya potensi bahaya kebakaran.
Addressable Smoke Detector Context Plus 55000-600IMC merupakan alat pendeteksi kebakaran addressable yang secara sensitif mampu mendeteksi adanya asap pada suatu ruang untuk kemudian mengirimkan alamat atau ID unik nya ke kontrol panel fire alarm sehingga bisa memberikan alarm peringatan dini untuk bahaya kebakaran. Addressable Smoke Detector Context Plus 55000-600IMC dirancang secara khusus untuk bisa compatible dengan panel kontrol addressable fire alarm Context Plus untuk mendapatkan kesesuaian sistem secara keseluruhan dengan lifetime yang sangat lama.
Addressable Smoke Detector Context Plus 55000-600IMC
The Context Plus XP95 optical detector uses the same outer case as the ionisation smoke detector and is distinguished by the indicator LED which is clear in standby and red in alarm. Within the case is a printed circuit board which, on one side, has the light proof labyrinth chamber with integral gauze surrounding the optical measuring system and, on the other, the address capture, signal processing and communications electronics.
An infrared light emitting diode within its collimator is arranged at an obtuse angle to the photo-diode. The photo-diode has an integral daylight-blocking filter. The IR LED emits a burst of collimated light every second. In clear air the photodiode receives no light directly from the IR LED because of the angular arrangement and the dual mask. When smoke enters the chamber it scatters photons from the emitter IR LED onto the photo-diode in an amount related to the smoke characteristics and density.
Technical Data Addressable Smoke Detector Context Plus 55000-600IMC
- Specifications are typical and given at 23°C and 50% relative humidity unless stated.
- Communication protocol: Apollo XP95 pulse 5-9V
- Detector Type: Products of combustion (smoke) detector
- Detection Principles: Photo-electric detection of light scattered in a forward direction by smoke particles
- Chamber Configuration: Horizontal optical bench housing an infrared emitter and sensor arranged radially to detect scattered light
- Sensor: Silicon PIN photo-diode
- Emitter: GaAs Infra-red light emitting diode
- Sampling Frequency: 1 second
- Supply Wiring: Two wire supply, polarity insensitive
- Terminal Functions: L1&L2 supply in and out connections (polarity insensitive) +R remote indicator positive connection (internal 2.2kΩ resistance to supply +ve) -R remote indicator negative connection (internal 2.2kΩ resistance to supply - ve)
- Supply Voltage: 17 to 28 Volts dc
- Quiescent Current: 340μA average, 600μA peak
- Power-up Surge Current: 1mA Duration of Power-up Surge
- Current: 0.3 seconds
- Maximum Power-up Time: 4 seconds for communications (measured from application of power and protocol) 10 seconds to exceed 10 counts 35 seconds for stable clean air value
- Storage Temp: -30°C to +80°C
- Operating Temp: -20°C to +60°C
- Alarm Level Analogue Value: 55
- Clean Air Analogue Value: 25±7 counts
- Alarm Indicator: Clear light emitting diode (LED) emitting red light
- Alarm LED Current: 4mA Remote LED Current: 4mA at 5V (measured across remote load)
- Type Code: (210 43) 101 00
- Sensitivity: Nominal threshold of 2.4% light grey smoke obscuration per metre
- Guaranteed Temperature Range (No condensation or icing): -20°C to +60°C
- Humidity (No condensation or icing): 0% to 95% relative humidity
- Wind Speed: Unaffected by wind
- Atmospheric Pressure:Unaffected Vibration, Impact & Shock: To EN54 Pt 7 2001 (BS5445 Pt 7 2001)
- IP Rating: 43
- Dimensions: (diameter x height)
- Detector: 100mm x 42mm
- Detector in Base: 100mm x 50mm
- Weights: Detector: 105g Detector
- in Base: 157g
- Materials: Detector Housing: White polycarbonate V-0 rated to UL 94 Terminals: Stainless Steel
Device Response Addressable Smoke Detector Context Plus 55000-600IMC
- Type: Overheating/thermal combustion Response: Very good
- Type: Smouldering/glowing combustion Response: Good
- Type: Flaming combustion Response: Good
- Type: Flaming with high heat output Response: Good
- Type: Flaming - clean burning Response: Very poor
Brosur, Datasheet Addressable Smoke Detector Context Plus 55000-600IMC
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Harga Addressable Smoke Detector Context Plus 55000-600IMC
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