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Wednesday, 06 May 2020 13:04

Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA)

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Panel CFP Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA) adalah suatu panel kontrol yang berfungsi untuk mengatur dan mengendalikan semua perangkat yang terpasang pada sebuah fire alarm system mulai dari perangkat input berupa smoke detector, heat detector, flame detector, gas detector dan alat pendeteksi lainnya, mengatur perangkat output berupa alarm bell, lampu indicator, sounder beacon, dll sehingga didapatkan satu kesatuan sistem alarm kebakaran pada suatu bangunan gedung sebagai peringatan dini jika terjadi bahaya kebakaran.

Type / Model Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA) Conventional

Terdapat berbagai macam type atau model panel Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA) Conventional yang dapat digunakan pada suatu bangunan yang akan dipasang fire alarm system. Untuk pemilihan Type atau model MCFA tergantung kebutuhan dan banyaknya peralatan input dan output yang akan dipasang. berikut adalah type atau model panel Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA) Conventional yang tersedia antara lain :

CFP702-4 CFP 2 zone panel, keypad/keyswitch entry, does not extend, LPCB certified to EN54-2/4
CFP704-4 CFP 4 zone panel, keypad/keyswitch entry, does not extend, LPCB certified to EN54-2/4
CFP708-4 CFP 8 zone panel, keypad/keyswitch entry, does not extend, LPCB certified to EN54-2/4
CFP760 CFP 8 zone repeater panel, up to 8 per system, keypad/keyswitch entry
CFP761 CFP network driver card (one required per repeater system, fit at main)
CFP762 CFP relay output card (provides reset, fault, aux fire & remote relays)
CFP763 CFP relay output card (provides 12 relays - reset, fault, aux fire & remote relays plus 8 output per zone relays)
CFP764 CFP relay output card (provides 8 output per zone relays)
CFP765 CFP relay output card (provides 4 output per zone relays)
CFP766 CFP relay output card (provides 2 output per zone relays) 
BF362 Barrier interface unit (allows a CFP zone circuit to be connected to up to 10 intrinsically safe detectors and call points via a Zener barrier (not supplied)


Spesifikasi Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA)

Sertifikasi Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA)

Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA) sudah mendapatkan sertifikasi dari Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) yang merupakan Badan Sertifikasi internasional terkemuka di bidang keamanan dan perlindungan kebakaran. Persetujuan LPCB (LPCB Approval) diakui oleh pemerintah dan pihak berwenang di seluruh dunia, terutama di Asia-Pasifik, Timur Tengah dan Eropa.

Sertifikat LPCB Panel Context PlusLPCB certified to the latest revisions of EN54 parts 2 and 4, our new-look super-enhanced CFP conventional fire panel offers an array of user and installer-friendly features at a very competitive price.

Supplied in an attractive flush or surface mountable plastic enclosure, 2, 4 and 8 zone versions are available, each featuring four conventional sounder circuits, class change and alert inputs, on-board fire and fault relays and combined keypad/keyswitch entry.

A wide range of engineering functions are also provided including selectable zone delays, coincidence and non-latching zone facilities. Comprehensive test and fault finding facilities are also provided.

The CFP's LPCB stamp of approval demonstrates that the panel has been tested and certified as being compliant with EN54 parts 2 and 4 by the Loss Prevention Certification Board, one of the most-respected independent approval bodies in the world

Features Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA)

  • LPCB certified to the latest versions of EN54 Parts 2 and 4
  • Intuitive user-friendly interface with colour-coded buttons and combined keypad/keyswitch entry to access level 2
  • 2, 4 or 8 zone circuits (dependent on model purchased)
  • Four conventional sounder circuits
  • Integral 1.5A EN54-4/A2 compliant switch mode PSU
  • Wide range of engineering functions including zone test, coincidence*, zone delay and non-latching zones*
  • Two on-board relays (Fire and Fault)
  • Two open-collector outputs (Remote and Reset)
  • Class change’ and alert inputs
  • Installer-friendly design accommodates easy
  • first fix and straightforward maintenance

Harga Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA)

Silahkan menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik untuk panel Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA)

Brosur Context Plus Master Control Fire Alarm (MCFA)



Read 3276 times Last modified on Sunday, 06 September 2020 20:41

Fire Engineer sekaligus Praktisi yang berpengalaman dibidang sistem pemadam kebakaran dan telah mengerjakan berbagai macam proyek Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran, juga ikut bergabung sebagai member aktif di NFPA

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