Eaton’s Wheelock Series MT Multitone Horns and Horn-Strobes are compatible with Kidde Fire Systems'AEGIS™ and ARIES™ families of Fire-Alarm Suppres-sion Control Units and offer a choice of eight (8) nation-ally and internationally recognized alerting sounds: Horn,Bell, March Time Horn, Code-3 Tone, Code-3 Horn, SlowWhoop, Siren or Hi/Lo Tone. The Code-3 horn and tonepatterns are engineered to comply with NFPA/ANSI Tem-poral Pattern specifications without requiring additionalequipment.
The MT Strobes are designed for ADA applications withmaximum performance, reliability and cost-effectivenesswhile meeting or exceeding the requirements of NFPA72, ANSI 117.1, UFC and UL Standard 1971 as well asmeeting ADA requirements concerning photosensitiveepilepsy.
Each MT and MT Strobe appliance has two user selec-tive sound output levels: STANDARD dBA and HIGHdBA. The MT-12/24 provides dual voltage capability inone unit, 12 VDC or 24 VDC operation, filtered or FWR.The MT Strobe Electronic appliances operate with 24VDC and may be used with filtered or unfiltered (full-wave-rectified) input voltages. Separate input terminalsare available and shunt wires are provided to enable bothtone and strobe to operate simultaneously from a singleinput.
The Multitone Strobe appliances are UL Listed for indoorwall mount applications, under Standard 1971 forDevices for the Hearing Impaired and under Standard464 for Audible Signal Appliances. MT Strobe models arelisted for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of 93% ±2%.
The MT-12/24 and MTWP models for outdoor use areListed for -31°F to 150°F (-35°C to 66°C) and maximumhumidity of 95%. The strobe devices use a Xenon flash-tube with solid state circuitry enclosed in a ruggedLexan® (or equivalent) lens to provide maximum reliabil-ity for effective visible signaling. Strobe lens markingsavailable for “Fire” and “Agent” labeled applications.
The MT-12/24-R and MTWP-2475W-FR are US CoastGuard Approved for applications with the Autroprime firealarm system.
The Series MT appliances have IN and OUT wiring termi-nations that accept two #12 to #18 AWG wires at each terminal. Inputs are polarized for compatibility with stan-dard reverse polarity type supervision.
Feature Multitone Horn & Strobe Kidde® K-75-001
- Approvals include: UL 1971, UL 1638, UL 464, and Cali-fornia State Fire Marshal (CSFM). The MT-12/24-R andMTWP-2475W-FR are FM approved and also US CoastGuard Approved for applications with the Autroprimefire alarm system
- Designed to meet or exceed ADA/NFPA/UFC/ANSI Stan-dards and Accessibility Guideline
- Meets OSHA 29 Part 1910, 16
- One alarm appliance with eight (8) selective signals toprovide superior sound penetration for various ambientand wall conditions with two field selectable sound out-put levels
- Audible and strobe can operate from a single signalingcircuit with any of the eight (8) audible signals
- Code-3 Horn and Tone meet ANSI/NFPA temporal pat-tern for standard emergency evacuation signaling
- Multi-Candela MT Strobe models available with fieldselectable 15/30/75/110 candela setting
- Weatherproof MT Strobe models available with 180 can-dela rating
- FIRE and AGENT markings available
- Polarized inputs for compatibility with standard reversepolarity type supervision of circuit wiring by an alarmpanel
- Flush and surface mount options; no additional trim-plate required for flush mounting
- IN and OUT wiring terminations that accepttwo (2) #12 to #18 AWG wires at each terminal
Spesifikasi, Brosur dan Datasheet Multitone Horn & Strobe Kidde® K-75-001
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