NFS-320 Intelligent Addressable Fire Alarm System
Panel Fire Alarm Notifier NFS-320 1 Loop lengkap dengan battery harga murah langsung dari distributor Notifier Indonesia. Panel MCFA Notifier NFS-320E selain sangat cocok sebagai panel kontrol MCFA fire alarm system pada bangunan gedung, perkantoran, hotel, apartemen, pabrik dan gedung bertingkat, juga bisa digunakan sebagai panel kontrol pada instalasi FM-200 fire suppression system

The SFP-5UD is a five-zone FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panel) and the SFP-10UD(E) is a ten-zone FACP. These control panels provide reliable fire signaling protection for small to medium-sized commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. Both panels include built-in communicators for Central Station Service and remote upload/download
NOTIFIER® DVC Series Addressable Control Panel

The Digital Voice Command (DVC) is the heart of a full featured audio command center providing voice evacuation for Emergency Communications and Mass Notification applications. The ability to play 8 simultaneous messages and network multiple DVCs across a campus or within a large facility enables the system to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time.
NOTIFIER® NFS2-640(E) Addressable Control Panel
The NFS2-640 intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel is part of the ONYX® Series of Fire Alarm Controls from NOTIFIER. In stand-alone or network configurations, ONYX Series products meet virtually every application requirement. The NFS2-640’s can be configured with just a few devices for small building applications, or networked with many devices to protect a large campus or a high-rise office block.
NOTIFIER® NFS-640 Addressable Control Panel

The NFS2-640 intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel is part of the ONYX® Series of Fire Alarm Controls from NOTIFIER. In stand-alone or network configurations, ONYX Series products meet virtually every application requirement. The NFS2-640’s can be configured with just a few devices for small building applications, or networked with many devices to protect a large campus or a high-rise office block.
NOTIFIER® NFS2-3030 Addressable Fire Control Panel

The NFS2-3030 is an intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) designed for medium- to large-scale facilities. Fire emergency detection and evacuation are extremely critical to life safety, and the NFS2-3030 is ideally suited for these applications.
NOTIFIER® Annunciator Notifier FDU-80

The FDU-80 is a compact, cost-effective, 80-character, backlit LCD remote Fire Annunciator for use with the NOTIFIER FireWarden-100-2, NFS2-640, and NFS-320 Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs). The FDU-80 mimics the display of the control panel and displays complete system point status information.
NOTIFIER® Addresable Manual Call Point Notifier FSM-500K

Notifier addressable Manual Call Points (MCP’s) FSM500 K are designed to be used as a component of a fire control system. These MCP’s are designed for use on the two wire communication circuit providing both signalling of an alarm to the fire indicator panel and local LED indication of activation.
NOTIFIER® Alarm Bell Notifier KMS-6-24VDC

The NOTIFIER KMS Series bells are low-current, audible signaling devices for use in fire alarm systems or other signaling applications. KMS Series bells are ideally suited for almost any kind of alarm signaling application. They can be used in schools, factories, office buildings, or private residences.
NOTIFIER® Conventional Smoke Detector Notifier SD 651

Sensor asap konvensional Notifier SD 651 untuk mendeteksi adanya asap akibat kebakaran didalam ruangan, dipasang pada rangkaian sistim deteksi dini kebakaran atau sistim pemadam kebakaran lainnya.
NOTIFIER® Addressable Smoke Detector Notifier FSP-851

Sensor asap Addressable Notifier FSP-851 untuk mendeteksi adanya asap akibat kebakaran didalam ruangan dan mampu memberikan alamat pasti lokasi kejadian, dipasang pada rangkaian fire alarm system atau fire suppression system.
NOTIFIER® Conventional Heat Detector Notifier 5603

Sensor panas Addressable Notifier 5603 untuk mendeteksi meningkatnya suhu ruangan akibat kebakaran didalam gedung, dipasang pada rangkaian fire alarm system atau fire suppression system.
NOTIFIER® Addressable Heat Detector Notifier FST-851

Sensor panas Addressable Notifier FST-851 untuk mendeteksi suhu ruangan akibat kebakaran didalam gedung dan mampu memberikan alamat pasti titik lokasi kejadian, dipasang pada rangkaian fire alarm system atau fire suppression system.