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Displaying items by tag: Kidde K8411

Kidde 3300 Conventional Dual Action Pull Station.pngKIDDE® Addressable Manual Pull Stations Series 3300 digunakan untuk memicu alarm kebakaran dan mengaktifkan gas release secara manual jika sensor kebakaran seperti seperi smoke detector atau heat detector tidak berfungsi. KIDDE® Addressable Manual Pull Stations Series 3300 merupakan perangkat yang diapat diberikan alamat unik yang spesifik sehingga dapat terbaca dengan jelas di panel kontrol fire alarm dari lokasi mana pemicu manual pull station diaktifkan.

The Kidde® Addressable Manual Pull Stations is an intelligent initiating device that contains its own SmartOne™ Addressable Input (AI) module and interfaces  directly tothe Kidde PEGAsys™ and ARIES™ control panels. Thein itiating device circuit is wired as NFPA Class B. The Manual Pull Station is constructed of heavy die-cast aluminum for long life and uses an internal toggle switchfor reliable operation.

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